Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Enemy

I have begun doing a Bible study called The Armor of God. The whole premise is that Satan is going to attack, so put on the Armor of God. Recognizing the devil's schemes is the first step.

Below are my notes from the study, so they don't make complete sense.

Enemy attacks this week:

1. Not having insurance approval for therapy yet, causing me to miss therapy, next month is when I should be walking so I really need the practice. My current therapy is pushing me to walk by October. I feel the pressure now. He attacks me with the feeling that I won't walk again. God would get glory when I walk again (most therapists and doctors believe I'll never walk again). It's already a miracle that I'm here and the enemy doesn't want me to further my testimony

2. There was just a death at work because of a car wreck. Barry decided to ride his motorcycle to work and his phone wouldn't track him the whole way home. He attacks me with anxiety. This is a strong temptation for me. Anxiety/fear is the opposite of trust in God.

3. I found a live baby snake IN my house. I am terrified of snakes. I mean terrified. He attacks me with my fears. He wants to distract me and discourage me.

4. I woke up in the middle of the night with my limbs tingling. The cavernous malformation could bleed again at any time, so I am very sensitive to weird symptoms. The devil attacks me with anxiety. I woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to bed. He was trying to keep me from my morning quiet time, doing my homework.

5. I had this whole thing typed up, pushed save A LOT and it deleted itself. The enemy wants to anger me and discourage me. He doesn't want the message to get out that he is real and "comes to steal, kill and destroy."

The enemy is real people. Arm yourself for his attacks!

Ephesians 6:10-11 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."