Sunday, February 19, 2012

One Year Birthday

Today (or thereabout) would have been our baby's 1 year birthday. She is not here with us to celebrate with cake and friends, however, today I do celebrate that we had 14 weeks with our baby and that one day we WILL be able to celebrate together!!

I'm doing good though...this had the potential of being a rough day, but I really am okay. God's good like that. :) I know God's hand is in all of this and He is in control. I'm sad that our baby isn't here with us but God has a reason for not allowing that. My job is just to trust. Today I do that. Trusting Him that His plans are better than mine!


  1. :-) You are an amazing woman who God will bless greatly. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for you.

  2. The first birthday is hard. Find a way to celebrate - we did and I felt closer to our angel. Hugs!!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion Joanna...we ate a chocolate molten lava cake at Chili's. :)

  3. i know how you feel. this month our little girl would have been 18 months old. although my heart often breaks when i miss her, i at least find comfort she is in heaven,safe, with Jesus. when i say my prayers at night i often ask Jesus to give her a message for me.

    1. It does bring great comfort to know that our babies are safe in Jesus' arms! What a great promise!!

  4. This is such a testament to resilience. There will be thousands of birthdays you'll celebrate with her in heaven. I expect to be invited to each one.

  5. Happy birthday, sweet one. Those eternal birthdays, without the trials of this world... I think that sometimes.. that is why God chooses to take some from us... to spare us.

    God bless you, you are amazing Lisa!

    1. Thanks Keri! You are quite amazing yourself. :)

  6. Hi Lisa...been a while since I've read blogs but wanted to check in with you and say I'm still thinking about you and praying for you and your hubs. Anniversary's are hard. I know in time it will all come together like the most beautifully timed picture ever. I can't wait to see.

    1. Hey Melody! Thanks for checking in...and thanks for the prayers!!
