Our infertility and miscarriage struggles, our adoption journey, parenting, and recovering from a brain stem stroke. I pray God's faithfulness is evident through it all! Philippians 4:6-7 NIV "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Monday, June 28, 2021
Not in my power
I want to make sure God gets the glory here, not me. I never want anyone to think that one day I will walk because of all my hard work and therapists. It does and will take a lot of hard work from me, and God does use therapists, but God gets all of the credit. In my own power, even with all the hard work in the world, I cannot do this without God’s power. God gets the glory. (Picture has nothing to do with anything. It just cracks me up.)
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Current update
(Reposted from Facebook but current)
Update time: I have my first visit via video call with BARWIS Thursday. My faith is not in BARWIS though, let’s make this clear. 🙂 I am working on getting stronger in certain muscles and making the mind body connections. (About 4-5 hours most days!!)
I don’t have feeling on the right side of my body right now, so I use something called a PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequency) mat. I lay on it 2-3 times a day to recover and regain feeling (look them up, it’s cool). My feeling in certain muscles has started coming back but for some reason fades between treatments.
I am also working on standing, standing up and walking. I used to walk with a cane (and someone holding on), but the BARWIS lady thinks I’m strong enough without it. I’m a little freaked out walking this way, but keep working!
Prayer Requests:
1. PEMF therapy would have lasting results! That I would regain feeling in the right side of my body!
2. That my brain and body (especially hips) would calm down and work like they should when walking. 🙂
(You get a picture of gimpy because I have no other therapy pictures. This is my right hand, as far as it will open. We call my hand gimpy.)
(Reposted from Facebook)
Praise God! It was an extremely good appointment. The therapist really explained how the muscles work together, etc. We’ll officially be part of the program. This will entail working a lot on exercises based on the evaluation and what I need to strengthen. We will have video calls as often as we want, probably 1-2x week. And I’ll probably be back to Boca Raton several more times. She gave a lot of helpful pointers and was very impressed with all my muscles firing (shout out to all my past therapists!!). I am so excited for the first time about walking. It’s going to take blood, sweat and tears. (Maybe not, hopefully not, blood) I’m ready to do this. Thank you for the prayers and thank you God!
(Reposted from Facebook)
I’ve listened to this song 5 million times and I even have it as my ring tone. In the car, on the way down to my appointment tomorrow, I see this for the first time.... 😊