Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Current update

(Reposted from Facebook but current)

Update time: I have my first visit via video call with BARWIS Thursday. My faith is not in BARWIS though, let’s make this clear. 🙂 I am working on getting stronger in certain muscles and making the mind body connections. (About 4-5 hours most days!!)

I don’t have feeling on the right side of my body right now, so I use something called a PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequency) mat. I lay on it 2-3 times a day to recover and regain feeling (look them up, it’s cool). My feeling in certain muscles has started coming back but for some reason fades between treatments.

I am also working on standing, standing up and walking. I used to walk with a cane (and someone holding on), but the BARWIS lady thinks I’m strong enough without it. I’m a little freaked out walking this way, but keep working!

Prayer Requests:

1. PEMF therapy would have lasting results! That I would regain feeling in the right side of my body!

2. That my brain and body (especially hips) would calm down and work like they should when walking. 🙂

(You get a picture of gimpy because I have no other therapy pictures. This is my right hand, as far as it will open. We call my hand gimpy.)

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