Saturday, July 12, 2014


We have done A LOT since the stroke to accommodate this new life that we have (right now). This list is maybe to help someone else (and to remind me). (I have to actually go in to each room to remember). 

- Wheelchair bar by toilet, in Elijah's bathroom, and inside & outside shower
- took out bathroom mats
- installed push dispensers in our shower, Elijah's bathtub, and by my sink to dispense soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, etc. 
- toilet chair
- grip strips in front of toilet and shower
- bought a permanent hair removal system
- bought a hair dryer hood
- bought an Instyler and Perfector for one handed hair styling
-  magnetic clasps for necklaces
- wear earrings with loop thingy (I don't know what they're called but the earrings without backs....)
- bought (well, it was a gift) a NuStep (kind of like a sitting Eliptical
- had a wheelchair ramp installed outside to the front door
- installed a low peep hole 
- have a Life Alert
- Crocs inside the house for traction 
- shop on Amazon since I can't drive
- bin by Elijah's bathtub with washcloths, his underwear, pajamas, bubbles, etc. 
- basket by front door with some of E's outdoor toys (because I can't get in garage where we store the others)
- bought a Roomba (I named him Carl) so I can vacuum 
- baby wipes on kitchen table to assist with clean up (so I don't have to go into kitchen and wet paper towels)
- a nice hand vacuum out and accessible to clean up after meals
- pill box (because it's hard to open bottles)
- stack of washcloths by bathroom sink to wash face (since I can't stand and do it)
- change clothes dryer door to other side to accommodate wheelchair in laundry room
- everything obviously down lower (in fridge, cabinets, closet, etc.)
- glasses instead of contacts because they're easier...transitions lenses so I don't have to keep up with or fool with sunglasses or clips
- flossers instead of using both hands for floss
- toothpaste with pop lid
- hooks in bathroom for earrings, etc
- new haircut that is easier to style one handed
- buy cans with pop tops, applesauce pouches with easy open lids, etc
-wear shoes with back strap (other sandals fall off my right foot)
- use straws (since I can't feel my right side I spill otherwise)
- change direction of some kitchen cabinets
- use disposable hot and cold cups with lids because left hand shakes
-use paper plates because a) I can't reach real ones and b) left hand shakes
- bought Corell dishes (for when Barry is home) to make it easier to load/unload dishwasher
- purse with cross shoulder strap 

Well, that list is not all-inclusive, but it's long. These things have slowly happened over the past 21ish months. It's not perfect, but these things help me function. (I even cooked dinner in the crock pot tonight!) We still are constantly thinking of things to make life easier. We have had to make a lot of accommodations looking over this list but I almost forget about it. It's life. :)


  1. You were on my heart tonight so I wanted to stop by and say hi! Praying for you right now. :-)

  2. Ha! I see I already commented but I have more thoughts.... :-) In reading this list and then reflecting on my life, it really is in the little things that I take for granted. I was recently introduced to Jamberrry and fell in love so I began selling it! I would love to send you a pedicure pack that I am confident Barry could figure out or anyone else for that matter to help you apply and it would be just a small detail though make you feel good hopefully. Not only that, I want to do a fundraiser for you if you would allow me. I can only imagine how your new normal is effecting the pocketbook. 100% of my commission! I'll write you a check and use however you need it. It may only be a little, but every penny does add up.... I have racked my brain since your first stroke post on how I could help besides praying, this is one way.

  3. Not sure why it wouldn't let me type anymore from that last comment.... But, I continue. :-) Shoot me an email whenever you are up for starting the fundraiser and I'll get it going! Hugs!!
