Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Great Commission

I feel greived today. Greived for those friends and family that don't personally know Jesus. What have I done to tell others, those close to me, about The Hope I have? I feel greived that I have not done more. I cannot force others to accept Jesus but I should share my testimony. 

I need to share how God gives me the strength to get out of bed every morning. How He worked out all the details of our adoption. How He used the pain of the miscarriage and worked out the details so that Elijah's birth date would be the exact day of our due date. I should tell of the indescribable peace I have been given through all of this. What about telling of the countless times prayer has been answered and there is no other explanation than God is real. I should share how I can feel His presence and know that He is real, alive, and desires a relationship with each one of us. 

I hurt for those that don't have a personal relationship with Him. I feel the desire to share my faith with others. Our time on earth is short and tomorrow is not guaranteed. I want my loved ones in Heaven with me, so I better be telling them that believing in Jesus is the only way to get there. Join me in being renewed in the Great Commission.

Matthew 28:19 NIV
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."


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