Monday, November 9, 2009

RE here we come!

I have mentioned in previous posts that my OBGYN is the only Dr. that has been “treating” our infertility…well him and the Urologist.  Last time I had an appointment with him I had asked if there were any other tests we could run and he told us to just wait…wait…wait.  Well I waited 2 more cycles and decided to get a second opinion.  The thing with the second opinion is that the nearest RE is in Mobile, which is between 3-4 hours away.  So not very convenient.  But for our own peace of mind we decided to go ahead and make an appointment.

So, December 3rd we are road tripping to Mobile.  The doctor we will be seeing works with my OBGYN clinic, and makes visits to Dothan every 6 weeks.  Any monitoring would be done in Dothan, any procedures would be done in Mobile.  So, not ideal, but the best we can get.  (How oh how am I living somewhere too small to even have an RE??  I do love Dothan, but I DEFINITELY miss bigger cities when it comes to things like this!!)  Thanks Becky for the recommendation of the clinic! 

I am excited about it and yet bummed about it at the same time.  Glad to be getting a second opinion, bummed that we have to be getting a second opinion. It just makes me wonder how long this next leg of the journey will take. 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord.  “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

God always knew we would be making this trip.  He always knew that we would be seeing an RE on December 3rd - it is all part of His plan.  He has gone ahead of us and knows exactly what we will hear and exactly what will come out of the appointment.  I am SOOO glad that the Lord has a much bigger plan for our lives than I can see right now!


  1. How exciting!!!! Those first RE appts are so filled with emotions... I hope you get some encouraging news! At least it sounds like you will save travel time and such by having the monitoring done locally. That's nice. God does have BIG plans and as hard as that is to remember sometimes, it's awesome when we try to wrap our human brains around that amazing concept... :-)

  2. It gives me such great comfort to meditate on the fact that God has gone before me and prepared a path for my feet. It is up to me to trust and follow that path, but at least I know it was lovingly prepared!!

  3. This is exciting news! I know it's a pain to have to road trip it but's awesome to know that you are moving forward still. I love your assurance of God's sovereignty. It is what gives us hope in these hard times.
