Tuesday, January 31, 2012


That’s how I feel. Blah.

Now I realize I have only been waiting for our referral call for…4 months and many families have been waiting a TON longer…hello Kat.

However, since our agency had told us to be prepared to possibly travel before the end of 2011, I have been expecting a call sooner rather than later. My heart races every time my phone rings thinking maybe just maybe it’s our agency with our referral. But it never is. Boo. Blah.

Oh lovely, speak of the devil. I just got an email from our agency with some positively wonderful uplifting news. {sarcasm} Russia is now requiring THREE trips with a 30 day waiting period after the 2nd trip.

So, actually, I don’t feel blah I feel pretty icky now. Not only does that extend the process but it adds thousands of dollars onto the overall cost, more time out of the country which is more time missing work (with the 2 trips we were up to 4.5 weeks in Russia, who knows what that will mean now), more time for our child to be left in the baby home…I feel blue.

Why do they make things so hard??? How many families can actually afford three trips financially and taking off work wise?? It makes me so sad that this will now prevent even more families from adopting from Russia. Leaving more children to grow up without families, without hope, without knowing Jesus. My heart feels heavy and I just want to cry. OK, I am crying.


  1. Sweet Lisa from Alaska, it's heartbreaking to read this and to see how clearly painful this process has been and continues to be. So I just wanted to let you know that an old friend very far away is thinking of you and sending bucketloads of positive wishes that you get a baby of your very own, very soon.

    Lots of love,

  2. My heart is breaking for you Lisa. This stage of waiting is so VERY hard, not yet a parent, but almost, not knowing if your child has been born yet, the uncertainty of when you will FINALLY be together with your child. I remember these feeling well. Praying for strength, peace, and comfort for you and sending you a ((HUG)).

    1. Thanks Becky. Come back to Florida and let's meet for lunch again...k? Then I can meet sweet Joshua and you can give me a hug in person. :)

  3. Oh, my friend, I can only imagine how discouraging this news must feel. But I am claiming His promises over you both today, that you will NOT be discouraged. I am listening to Joyce Meyer's "Battlefield of the Mind" on CD and as soon as I read this post I said a prayer for you. We know without a doubt that God has led you both on this path to adoption and His plan will not be derailed. Just keep turning this obstacles over to Him, and know you have friends praying. -Jody

    1. Thanks Jody..."His plan will not be derailed". I like that. One of my friends on Facebook reminded me that this didn't surprise the Lord. He has known this all along. I need the reminders, so thanks! :)

  4. I am so sorry for all of this. It always amazes me how difficult the adoption process is becoming. God has a plan, a will and a way... this will all come together somehow.. and all those will hear His name!

  5. I am praying that God will continue to give you the strength through the waiting period. God has a plan for you and your family and he will not let anyone or thing stop that.

  6. It does come to an end, my friend. You will soon forget this part. I was really hoping your dossier was registered before that 30-day wait period was put into effect. I am so sorry. That will be the hardest part. This part will seem easy. I don't know why they make it so hard. It really does not make sense.

    1. For real...I was already dreading leaving my baby once between the first and second trip and now I will have to do it TWICE?? Sigh. I know God will give me the strength to do it because I sure can't do it on my own.

  7. I'm so sorry Lisa!!! The delays and changes are rough and heartbreaking... no matter how long it's been. Sending love and prayers.

  8. Ugh, my heart hurts for you. If I can help fundraise in anyway let me know. I'm serious about that offer!

  9. Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength... You know the rest of that verse. It's never easy to wait on the Lord. We will be praying for you and your husband. Romans 8:28. Don't grow weary. Keep worshipping while you're waiting. Hugs...
