Friday, June 8, 2012

Two Things...

1. Thank you to all you adoptive mothers out there that sent me emails affirming that everything that I am feeling is normal!! It's such a blessing to have such an amazing support system of adoptive parents around me!

2. I just wanted to clarify...I am honestly doing great. Yesterday wasn't a bad day even...I just want to record my feelings, emotions and experiences throughout this whole process and that's what I was doing. But don't worry about me...just because I don't want to get out of bed or want to get dressed or want to workout doesn't mean that I'm not doing could just mean that it's Friday, it's my day off and I want to stay in my pjs all day. :) This process is hard and when you're yearning for a part of you that is thousands of miles away (we found Elijah's orphanage on google maps was much excitement in our house) its normal to need a little extra motivation!

One of the best things is being's great to have little things to look forward to...dinner tonight with friends...lunch on Monday and Tuesday of next week with friends...yes, a lot of my "things to look forward to" revolve around food, but if thats what it takes...haha. I need a beach trip thrown in there somewhere...anyone up for a beach getaway?

And on a completely unrelated note...I was going through pictures the other day and came across this and it cracks me up everytime I see it.

My friend Breanne and I were on a mission trip to Hawaii our senior year of high school and there were bed bugs all in our bed!!!! It was disgusting!! We were in a condo, not a hotel, so there was no one to call when we went to bed, so we just pushed two kitchen chairs together and slept that way all night long. My "blanket" is a sarong. One of the adults found us this way in the morning and I'm so glad she got a picture to capture the moment. Good times, good times.



  1. Hi Lisa! I know our processes are really distinct (since we're doing domestic), but I love your honesty, and I sincerely loved reading your last post. :) We've been approved and waiting now for about 3.5 months - and the first 3 months - really not bad!! But then a switch flipped. And now each day brings more impatience to meet our child!!! And some days I feel the same way you described. I, too, know for certain that God is in charge and His timing is perfect. But (there's always a 'but') - you're right, even with that knowledge the wait is SO hard.

    1. Thanks Jenny for being honest too! This IS hard but so so worth it in the end. :) I am reading a book about being thankful and joyful in every moment, living in the now and not just hurrying life's good. It reminds me to enjoy this waiting time too, to make the most of it because God has us here for a reason. I plan on sharing some about it soon...

  2. Lisa, you are a strong amazing woman! One of the best things I love telling people when they ask me about being adopted (and I am sure Elijah will feel the same) is how much my parents wanted me, that they worked and waited three years to get ME. do I not remember ever seeing that picture!? It is priceless!!

    1. Thanks Alysia!!! Isn't the picture great?!? :)
