Monday, June 11, 2012

Firsts for Elijah

One of my friends, who is also an adoptive parent to a beautiful little boy from Russia, sent me this list to encourage us…a list of first that we won’t miss with Elijah! It made me cry. :)

We get to be there the first time he will...

1. see the ocean

2. say Mommy

3. say Daddy

4. walk barefoot on grass

5. get really, really dirty

6. fingerpaint

7. play in a pool

8. get licked by a dog

9. eat a popsicle

10. eat a french fry

11. fly on a plane

12. sit in a carseat

13. eat corn on the cob

14. see fireflies

15. meet grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins

16. go to church

17. go to the grocery store

18. eat at a restaurant

19. visit a park

20. go to the zoo

21. see his own room

22. get sick and be comforted by his mom and dad

23. see a bird's nest

24. hear country music or any American music

25. wear his very own pair of shoes

26. go to the dentist

27. have a birthday cake

28. wear a Halloween costume

29. jump in a bounce house

30. have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

31. see fireworks

32. fall and get a skinned knee and have his mom and dad kiss away the tears

33. become an American citizen

34. eat a chocolate doughnut that makes a huge mess and no one cares

35. clomp around in his mom's shoes

36. throw a rock into water and make a big splash

37. go to Disney World (because I know you are a Disney family)

38. ride on a carousel

39. eat pizza

40. get a haircut at a barber shop

41. watch a football game

42. see Santa Claus

43. wear a bathing suit

44. become mesmerized by a construction site

45. stand on the corner and watch kids get off the school bus

46. see a trash truck (You have no idea how exciting this is for little boys.)

47. sing his ABCs

48. respond to his name

49. turn a light switch on and off

50. watch a bag of microwave popcorn grow

51. watch you dry and straighten your hair

52. watch you cook

53. watch Barry shave

54. look at you when someone asks, "Where's Mommy?"

55. give you a kiss


I can’t wait to experience all of these firsts with him!!!


  1. Ohhh ... this list melts my heart! I can't wait to read about all of his firsts with you!!!

  2. ahh- that is wonderful to think about these first! Yes- there are going to be so many and so many more than this!

  3. What a God given perspective!!! Brought tears to MY eyes too!!

  4. What a wonderfully encouraging and thoughtful list from your friend! I would like to add:
    1. watching him say his first English word
    2. seeing his face when he hears Barry drive into the garage after being at work all day
    3. hearing him mimic and learn to tease you
    You have lots and lots of firsts to look forward to enjoying!

  5. And, one of my favorites, when he tells you he loves Jesus for the first time!

    Another one that I didn't hear until she was older but was still so heart warming,"I know God loves me because He gave me a family who adopted me and loves me!"

    And, of course the best moment to look forward to is when he gives his life to Christ, completing the circle that God began when He sent you and Barry to rescue him from being an orphan and teach him about God's love!

    You have a life time of first to look forward to!

  6. Just an FYI, another possibility for raising funds.!/

    I hope you are able to bring your little boy home soon!

  7. Hi Lisa, i came across your blog while searching for adoption information. My husband and I are about to start our homestudy. We are adopting from India and we live in Enterprise. :) I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers as you finish this journey. I love to see the completion of the adoption process as it merges into the new beginning of a sweet family. Take care and be blessed!

    Natasha Chalker

    1. How fun! You guys are so close! I work with a program called Alabama Pre/Post Adoption Connections ( have a free resource library with a TON of books on adoption, we have adoptive family groups in the area, a camp for adopted children, etc. I'd love to send you information on the program if you're interested! My number is 334-673-0008. Give me a call sometime! :)

    2. Please send some info ! :) Thanks! I will call you later this week.

    3. Great! Talk to you then!
