I ran across this article today as I was catching up on my 90+ emails that had piled up since being out of the office for over a week (will blog about our vacation as soon as I get a chance). I thought I would share…it is an article about what adoptive moms would have done differently in the waiting period between deciding to adopt and the rush of filling out paperwork and the placement of their children. I know several of you are in the filling out paperwork stage so maybe this will help…I also think several of the things in the article apply to the “waiting” stage of infertility too.
One of the best tips I think is to “focus on living for the day, not for the future.” So often our thoughts are consumed with the future, with the “what if’s” but we just need to focus on the here and now. "Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." MATTHEW 6:34 Only God knows what our future holds so why try to figure it out on our own? We need to focus on enjoying life and finding the joy in it, even while living in the unknown.
Profound insight, though such a tough pill to swallow in IF. I need to work on that so much!