Thursday, May 27, 2010

Should I be embarrassed?

I just had to share something that I thought was kind of our refrigerator broke a few months ago. The water filter exploded causing at least 5 gallons of water to spew out, running down the shelves, ruining our hardwood floors around the fridge, causing us to have to take every single item out and dry it off, etc. And we were standing right there when it happened! It spewed out that much water in the 30 seconds it took for Barry to discover the problem, pull out the fridge and turn off the water. Sigh. That was sad. But then it didn't have any other problems until recently when it started freezing our food in the fridge. Stupid fridge is only 3 1/2 years old...We had someone come out and look at it and it's thermisitor (? no clue on the spelling) is broken. (Basically it's the thermostat but Samsung calls it a thermistitor.) They ordered the parts 3 weeks ago and they finally came in today! So the man is fixing my fridge as we speak...

All that to say, I let him in the house, led him to the kitchen and then went back to my office. I come out to check on him and apparently everything has to come out of the fridge in order for him to fix it. So when I walk into my kitchen, on the counter lays my progesterone vaginal suppositories! ha ha taking everything out he had to handle my lovely suppositories as well as all of the injections, but they at least don't have the words "vaginal suppositories" on the side!

In a previous life (OK, try a couple of years ago) this would probably have been pretty embarrassing for me. Now, however, I think it's pretty darn funny and am not embarrassed in the least that he had to see and handle such crazy stuff. Amazing how your attitudes/perspectives/modesty levels change after going through infertility!! Often I find myself telling someone about Barry's sperm county, my follicles, how the process of an IUI works, and realize that maybe I am making them uncomfortable. I don't really have any boundaries in that area anymore...

Speaking of follicles...mine are still growing slowly but surely. I went in for monitoring (US and labs) last Friday, Monday, Wednesday and this morning (that's right, 4 times in a week) and the follicles keep a growin'! We've done 9 days of Follistim injections, today is CD 14. This morning I had follicles measuring at 18.05, 16.75 and 13.8 all on my right ovary. Lefty is not doing a thing this cycle. (Tons of little guys, but those 3 are the leaders.) By my predictions it looks like I will be triggering tonight maybe and then IUI tomorrow? Or possibly trigger tomorrow and IUI Saturday. We'll see what they recommend when I hear back from them this afternoon (in actuality it will be evening before I hear back).

Alrighty, gonna go check on my appliance guy again! So happy to hopefully have a functional fridge now! Fixed fridge and good looking follicles! It's a happy Thursday! :)


  1. OK that is pretty funny! I completely understand how it would have been embarassing a few years ago but not now. It's like you get so used to all of that stuff that it's just fact now...not a secret or embarassing. When I was taking vaginal progesterone suppositories they didn't have to be refrigerated. The pharmasist just told me to not leave them in a hot car or I'd get one giant suppository. LOL:) Interesting that yours need to be refrigerated. i guess they can make them different ways at different pharmacies.

  2. is amazing what going through this process will do to what you would typically get embarassed about! I remember just feeling super nervous before a transvag I don't think twice about it! Yay for 3 follicles...the perfect number so that the RE doesn't cancel you. I didn't get to comment the other day but wow you have a ton of eggs!!!

  3. Go eggies!! Just the fact that I can say the word "vaginal" with a straight face is amazing to me ;)

  4. Mmmm, I can so relate! The other day DH called me aside to tell me to be a bit more discreet when talking about our treatment cycles. I was talking about AF and sperm count and endometrial lining and follicles etc with a friend and her husband overheard and was apparently so embarrassed! I'm so used to it by now that I don't always notice others aren't used to it!

  5. LOL! I love it! You gotta wonder if he thought "what the heck are these?" when he pulled them out of the fridge. :)

  6. Hahaha I love it. I bet this is probably not the first time something like this has happened to him. Or he may be new to this, who knows?!?!?! I'm so happy things continue to go well this cycle. Go eggies...keep growing!

  7. That's funny! Got to love refrigerators. Mine was about that old when it decided to die.
    Brad and I continue to pray for you both.

  8. You have been on my mind this afternoon. I said an extra prayer for you and Barry both.
