Thursday, February 11, 2010

Random Stuff about ME!

I was nominated for the “Beautiful Blogger Award” by Rachel from the Pughs!  Thanks Rachel!  You are supposed to pick 7 blogs and tell why you love them but I just simply couldn’t do it…I can’t pick my favorites.  So instead I will just tell you all – I love following your blogs!!  I love the encouragement that I get from reading each and every one of them.  I love the laughs.  I love the insight that each one of you have, I love seeing you all grow in your faith, and I just am very blessed that I get to be part of each of your lives!

The second part of the “award” was to tell some random things about yourself…I like that part.  Something similar to that was going around on Facebook awhile back, so I am just going to copy and paste what I wrote back in the day…

1. When I was younger I had a favorite blanket that I used to dress up in baby doll clothes. I put jewelry on it and everything.
2. I absolutely love Jon and Kate Plus 8 and it honestly makes me want to have sextuplets.  (OK, I don’t love them anymore after seeing the drama of their divorce…but I can’t take back the part about having sextuplets…I love love love multiples.)
3. I love the thought of coffee/lattes/etc. so much that I always order at least a grande size and only drink a few sips. It is more of a comfort to me than I actually enjoy the taste. I will even tell myself before I order to get a tall, and then when I get up there I panic and get a larger size.
4. I am a neat freak...I can't go to sleep at night until all of the dishes are clean, and everything in my house is back in its place.
5. I have an amazing husband who puts up with all of my oddities (he even helps me do the dishes and cook and clean so I don't go crazy!)
6. I have wonderful family and friends who are spread all over the US and I wish we could spend more time together!
7. I grew up in Alaska and have never had a white Christmas or ridden on a snow machine. But I did go ice skating and sledding at recess.
8. I carried around a baby doll (preferably a cabbage patch kid) until a very old maybe 13 or is really sad, I know. I knew at the time that it was embarrassing and I just didn't care...I wouldn't carry them around in public, but at home...
9. Gasp, I love kids! Can you tell?
10. I love my job but I wish I was working directly with children.
11. I have been known to text while driving on occasion... (I can’t do this anymore with the iPhone…way too complicating to text and drive so I am now a safe driver!)
12. I once had an $800 cell phone bill.
13. I love post-it notes. I have them ALL over my desk. I love the feeling of crossing things off as they get finished.
14. I love wearing my hair in a ponytail, I do it as often as possible.
15. I am a born again Christian!
16. I used to HATE Facebook and MySpace, I vowed to never get an account, and then one day I caved. Here I am...
17. I eat oatmeal for breakfast almost every morning and the texture makes me gag...but it is good for me and a quick breakfast so I still eat it.  (I also can’t eat oatmeal anymore because of this sugar busters diet…)
18. I love labeling things...I went crazy with my label maker last weekend and almost everything in our house is labeled now. Even leftovers in the freezer.
19. I love flying, road trips and traveling!
20. I love grocery shopping, especially at SAMS.
21. I say that I am an Alabama fan (University of Alabama for everyone not from must pick an allegiance - Alabama or Auburn football), but I honestly don't care.
22. I love baking and I do not enjoy cooking.
23. I ALWAYS have toenail polish on my toes. But never on my fingernails.
24. The beach, Disney World, cold weather, snow, Hawaii, food, Christmas, watching my favorite TV shows, sleeping in, and so much more make me giddy. I am completely entertained by the little pleasures in life.
25. I never had a nickname growing up and it makes me very sad. My first nickname was when I went away to college and people called me Alaska or Alaska Lisa.

Lisa and her blankie Me and my dressed up blankie! :)


  1. I love it!! (I myself am a labeler. I actually wore out my last one and got a new label maker for Christmas :)

  2. This picture is so cute! Love the random things. I can totally see you this way. So funny. I am kinda OCD about things myself so I'm glad I am not the only one this way.

  3. What a cute picture!!! Hey....I nominated you for a blog award...go check it out when you get a chance.

  4. LiSa, what do you think of Respite Foster Care? Can you post back on my blog.
