Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Think on these things

I have amazing friends - I really really do!  One of these friends told me yesterday that she would "pray specifically for His peace that surpasses all understanding, and that you won't feel so consumed by thoughts of your circumstances and the "what ifs"."  Minutes after I read her message I opened my Bible and low and behold I felt smacked in the face with what I found. 

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received from me, or seen in me - put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9

I have read that passage a million times and never has it popped out at me like it did last night.  My thoughts have been consumed with infertility, not with things that are lovely, excellent and praiseworthy!  My thoughts I don't believe have been a sin, I think they have been a normal human emotion due to these circumstances.  The Lord created us with feelings and emotions.  But when my thoughts continually dwell on my circumstances, I am not living the kind of life the Lord wants for me.  He wants to be MY God of Peace, but to do that I have to give Him my thought life.  I have to make a conscious decision that I don't want to dwell on my circumstances - I want Him to have control of my thoughts, I want to dwell on His teachings, on His purpose.

Now I don't exactly know how to go about this in my human strength...but the great thing is that I don't have to!  I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of praying to the Holy Spirit in these coming days to take control of my thought life and to help me focus on praiseworthy, excellent things!

The power of prayer is amazing!


  1. This is one of my favorite verses. I tend to be a worrier and so I also often start to go down the road of thinking about all kinds of "what if" scenarios. When I do this the Lord brings to mind the "whatever is true" portion of this verse especially. All my "what if" scenarios are not true and so I must take captive every thought and replace my thoughts with His truth.

  2. Becky, I don't know if you will receive this...but I love that perspective! For some reason I didn't even think about the "whatever is true" portion and how that relates to the "what if" worries! Thanks for sharing!
